http://www.ci.white-bear-township.mn.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7B0AB97692-2975-4AC4-ABC3-E6A9F48DEE0D%7D&DE=%7B611BCB19-A2BB-4BBE-B588-48A1AD466D5F%7D |
Summary: This week in class we learned about recycling. It is important to recycle because all the things we throw away go to the landfill. Recycling is where you take trash and turn it into treasure. Throwing things away can cause the ozone layer to break down by greenhouse gases like methane or they can harm animals by making them sick or strangling them and more!
Backward looking: I feel like I have gotten better at this kind of work because before I started this I wasn't big on building things. After this project I feel like I have improved a great deal because now I have experience in using math with figuring out the size and most importantly knowing how much work has to go into the project.
Inward looking: What I found frustrating about this project is that just about half way through the project my duct tape stopped working and would stick together. So I had to wait for help from a friend and I ended up using some packing tape.
Outward looking: One people I would like everyone to notice about my project is how much work I put into it. It not just about the project, it is about the environment and the entire world. Without recycling there would be way more waste and it would have a deeper effect on the ozone and people would have to wear sunglasses all the time.
Forward looking: I would definitely like to improve upon my skills with working and building things like bird houses. When I grow up I would like to build my own house and also help others with building. It would be cool to have a connection with kids in the future, because they would building at a young age and I would be building too, just in a different way.