Sunday, May 13, 2018

Stress 05/13

Summary: This week in class we learned about stress and the affect it can have on your body. Stress is your bodies reaction do dangerous and unfavorable events, like a car speeding at you, it's what helps your body react and get out of those situations. But stress isn't all good, if you are stressed out, you can get variety of different mental illnesses. like: Depression. There are a lot of coping strategies, though, and some, like: Deep Breathing, Meditation, can help people out a lot.

SP2: Developing and using models
 This week, developed an info graphic about stress and the affects it has on the human body after long periods of time. We also included information on how to cope with stress and get rid of it. We used these models to demonstrate our understanding of stress, and what causes it, and how it affects us, as humans.

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