Sunday, September 23, 2018

Geologic Time Scale

Geologic Time Clock By: Woudlooper
The geologic time scale is a scale that represents the entire history of the earth, The geologic time scale is separated into different eons, which have eras in them, which have periods in them. Each period is separated by a geological event, such as a minor extinction event. Each era is separated based on a major geological change, such as a major extinction event. The geologic time scale is separated into four main eras, the Precambrian, the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
The questions I asked in class were quite varied, I asked questions such as what killed the dinosaurs, and how did we know that? I defined problems with many different hypotheses proposed by different scientists. I used the problems that I found in each hypothesis to determine, which theory is the most accurate as to what actually happened. This allowed my to reach the most accurate data, I could think of.

XCC: Cause and Effect 
During the different eras there were many things that led to other things, like the meteor that caused a major extinction event at the end of the Mesozoic era, caused lots of dust particles, and other things to fly into the air, blocking out the sun. This caused the temperature on Earth to drop significantly, and cold blooded animals like the dinosaurs died out. That is when mammals took over, being able to scavenge for food, and their warm blood, and fur coats helped them out to. So, because the meteor hit the Earth, mammals were able to become a much more prominent type of animal. 

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