Thursday, December 20, 2018

Charity Fair 2018

Summary: There are lots of problems in the world, from poverty to a lack of education, the people in these situations can't get them selves out of the situation. A few individuals with kind hearts and a passion for helping other form different groups called charities. These groups specialize in aid people that have severe problems that affect the way that they live everyday. They couldn't do it alone, because a few people to don't have the money to take on an issue like world hunger, but instead they enlist the help of the people to allow them to solve to problems of those in need.

Every year we do the charity fair, it's considered to be the biggest event we hold each year. In the past charity fair has been incredibly hard for me. Most of the time I was in a smaller group, which meant that everyone had to do a boatload of work. The hardest part being all of the calculations that we had to do in math, where we and to look through all of our charities fiscal records and see how much they made in one year.

When I was working on charity fair I learned that as I grew as a person the work that once seemed hard to me feels much less stressful. Now that I am one year away from high school,  all of the things that used to take me days to complete take much less time to do than before. While in previous years I felt incredibly stressed out by all of the work that we had to do for charity fair, but this year I didn't fell that way.

If I were a teacher looking at all of the work that we did for charity fair this year, then I would give the project a B+, because some of the work that had been done was not formatted in the correct way, and we didn't bring our business cards to the event. The rest of the things in the project were phenomenal, and looked incredible.

One thing I would like to improve upon is my work ethic, because during the project I didn't do as much for the team as I would have liked to. During the project I slacked off some of the time and looking forward I would like to have been less of a dead weight for the team. I helped out only some of the time rather than all of the time.

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