Friday, November 30, 2018

Carbon Footprint

Summary: Almost anything that we do produces carbon emissions, but somethings more than others. Transportation of goods is one of the largest producers of carbon emissions in the world. Due to the excessive burning of fossil fuels, people need to watch how much the world is affected by what they order online. Your carbon footprint is how much carbon one produces when ordering an item online. The further the materials an item is made out of from its manufacturer that makes the item it means that more carbon is produced.

SP2: Developing and using models:
During class we made a model in the form of a map. We used the map to display how the materials in our product traveled over a period of time. We used the information that we gained from our map to calculate the various amounts of carbon emissions that the product produced while traveling to the manufacturer, then to the retailer, and finally to our team.

XCC: Energy and Matter:
The system of harvesting materials transporting them to make them into a product, is powered by fossil fuels and other forms of energy to transport goods. In the middle of the transportation process the fuel that is being burned is converting heat into energy, allowing to vehicle to move forward. This ultimately leads into the production of carbon emissions that harm the world, heating it up indefinitely.

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