Sunday, November 18, 2018

Designer Species Project

Summary: When a particular type of animal is placed into an environment it changes not only based off of the the plants and structures of the ecosystem, but it also changes depending on what organisms are in the habitat as well. An animal that tries to avoid a predator that is fast would evolve to be much more sneaky that an animal that tries to avoid another animal that is incredibly fast. The reason today why rats are so fast and sneaky is that they evolved to avoid humans, as most of the time they would get killed by them. This is true across every organism, like how a loin would evolve to sneak up on its prey, as its prey is very fast.

In or out of school I have never done a kind of work that requires as much creativity as this one, where the only limitations you have is that it has to make sense, and it has to be based off of the environment it resides in.  With little limitations it allows the creativity to run wild, creating something that you can feel attached to like most other projects where you just follow the guidelines and your done.

The thing I like the most about this project is the fact that it is flowing with creativity and originality, showing how my mind works and not how it reacts to various tasks. The one thing I dislike about the project is that some of the reasons that our organism evolved to be the way that it is are kind of bad, most of our ideas were thought up before we chose our scenario, so we built our reasons around the environment and not the organism.

If I were to give this project a grade I would give it a B-, because there was a lack of thought involved with some parts of the project. Rather than choosing an scenario and then thinking up our organism around the environment, we made our organism first then chose the environment. We then came up with various reasons that the organism would evolve to be this way.

The one goal I would like to set for next time is:

rather than impeding the final outcome of the project by choosing what I want to do first, then looking at the scenario. I will look at the scenario first, then make decisions based off of the scenario rather than the basic task. Allowing me to be more efficient and have a better work ethic to make a better project, and enjoying it along the way.

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