Sunday, February 3, 2019


Summary: Energy is how we measure the work that has to be placed on an object to do various things, such as move, or heat something up. There are many different types of energy, one of which is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, meaning when something is moving, the type of energy used is kinetic. But before kinetic energy can be put into use, it will be stored as potential energy, which is the energy something could possibly have in its position. Due to the law of the conservation of energy, it cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data
This week in class we took a look a various different graphs, of how things like acceleration and energy change over time in specific situations. Like how the kinetic energy of a ball would stay the same until it started to slow down. after we put the data on the graphs, we came to the conclusion that the kinetic energy was being converted into another type of energy. We also saw that at the begging of the situation the potential energy was high, but got lower and lower as the ball moved, it was the exact inverse of the kinetic energy, meaning that it was being transformed into kinetic energy.
XCC:Energy and Matter
Due to the law of the conservation of energy, it cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed, meaning that if a ball started on the top of a ramp and rolled down, then the potential energy that the ball had on the top of the ramp was being transformed. Because the rolling the ball would be considered a form of movement, the potential energy of the ball is being turned into kinetic energy. This is true when converting all types of energy into one another.


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