Sunday, February 10, 2019

Law of the Conservation of Energy

Summary: The law of the conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.. Similar to the law of the conservation of mass, it states that energy can only be transformed. Meaning that when a ball rolls down a hill, the potential energy of the ball isn't destroyed, and then replaced with newly made kinetic energy, but rather the potential energy is transforming into kinetic energy, but some of the energy is transferred to the air, meaning that the ball would not land in a completely proportionate place to how much potential energy it had.

SP2: Developing and using models:
We made small models of roller coasters in class to demonstrate Newton's laws of motion, and other points where parts of physics come into play, such as where on the roller coaster is the kinetic energy the lowest, or where is it the highest. It also allowed us to demonstrate various relationships, like the steepness of a hill to the acceleration, or the friction and the velocity.

XCC: Energy and Matter
The law of the conservation of energy shows how energy cannot be created or destroyed, creating the backbone for a system that doesn't rely of creating or destroying energy, but rather transforming it. Because energy is transformed rather than created or destroyed, it opens up a lot of options on how we can use energy to help us in everyday life. Like turning the mechanical energy of a motor into kinetic energy from the revolutions of a car's wheel.

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