Thursday, December 17, 2015

Charity Fair Blog 12/17

Summary: This week in class I learned about the carbon footprint for our materials we need to make our stuff that we using for the charity fair. I learned that it depends where your item is made to  decide what type transport it has.There are three main factors in the way you have deiced is distance (km) quantity and g of CO2. We also did things in other classes an example would be in social studies we researched about our charity. There was a lot of things we also did in other classes but  the is the end of the summary.

Backwards looking to make this it took me through a long process to make. We did a lot of work in different classes and it was very hard to manage all the work I had to do. But in the end I got all the work done and hopefully my charity will get the money.

Inward looking I did not like the fact that it was in 5 of my 6 classes because I had to manage all that work. Another thing that bothered me was the fact that my group was doing different things because we were making different things. The last thing that bothered me was the timing of when we decided to make my muffins.

Outward looking I think i would give this project a B because we still have a lot of thing we need to work on still. The first thing we need to work on is our presenting skills when we presented to people it was kind of awkward. We also need to work on our team work when we presented one person did all the talking and it was different person each time.

Forward looking I would like to improve on my working time because I dragged it out to the last day. There was a lot a lot of work I had to do so I decided to spread things out so I did not get stressed . But in the end I finished Wednesday morning so barley finished. 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Water Cycle 12/13

Summary: This week in class we learned about the water cycle. The water cycle is process that makes sure that everyone and thing has enough water to go around. The most common way the people see the water cycle is: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, run off then it happens all over again. There are a lot of parts in the water cycle there is even an animal drinking water which is a part of the water cycle. Fun Fact did you know that the amount of water on earth will never change on its own.

SP4 Analyzing and Interpreting  data:
The way I analyzed data this week was we went on a website and did a water cycle adventure. It was completely random of where you go next so I thought that means the water cycle is kind of random. The way I interpreted the data was I drew a cartoon of the water cycle with at least ten panels.


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Atmosphere 12/6

Summary: This week in class we learned about the atmosphere. The atmosphere is made up of of layers: Troposphere,  Stratosphere, Mesosphere and the Thermosphere. The Thermosphere is made up of two layers Ionosphere and Exosphere. We also learned about the water cycle which is a loop that makes sure that everyone and thing gets enough water. Fun Fact did you know only 1% of water is usable to humans and land animals.

SP: SP 4 Analyzing and Interpreting Data
This week in class how I Interpreted data was that we had chart that I had to fill out. We had to use dots and draw lines between  them we did this was that we saw the height of where we had to put the dot and where it goes in the box was determined by the temperature. At the end we looked at the chart and saw the temperature for most of the altitude!