Sunday, April 17, 2016

Circuits 04/17/16
Summary: This week in class we learned about circuits. Circuits are used in everyday life like the computer you are using right now. Some circuits are: Phone, Mouse, Keyboard, Printer, and Router. Circuits are powered by batteries and have two variants 1. Series which is when all the electricity goes through one path but it make the amount of power for each object smaller 2. Parallel this divides the electricity between all the objects which leads to the same amount as there would be if there was one object and one battery.

Backward looking
I feel I need to improve on building with real circuits. In my project I used snap circuits but I really wanted to use real circuits. I want to build something a complicated a computer one day.

Inward looking
I was frustrated with my wrist. I was frustrated with my wrist because I had sprained it. So Desmond and I only a 3 hand and not 4 hands.

Outward looking
If I were to give this project a grade it would be a B+ because Cons: We didn't use real circuits. Pros: We complied with expectations.

Forward looking
If I were to improve it I would change a bit. I would use real circuits and make it more compact. That is what I would change.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Magnetism 04/10
Summary: This week in class we learned about magnetism. The only three metals that are attracted  to magnets are Iron Cobalt and Nickel. There are two poles North and South two north poles trying to put together will repel, the same is for south but if a north and south come together they attract, there for opposites attract. FUN FACT: Earth is just one big giant magnet.

SP 4: Analyzing and Interpreting data
We analyzed data by observing magnets and how they work. We interpreted the data by putting it into a worksheet answer.