Saturday, March 26, 2016

Electric Inventors 03/26/16
What are some way to generate Electricity:Some ways to generate electricity are Solar energy; Wind energy, Geothermal, Fossil fuels, Biomass, and Nuclear energy

What energy sources are most common:
The most common type of energy in the U.S is fossil fuels at a total of 48% of people that use it throughout the U.S

What are some good or bad energy sources:
Some bad sources of energy are: Nuclear, Fossil Fuels, Landmass Gasses, and Biomass. Because they pollute and they kill animals. Some good ones are: Solar, Wind, and Geothermal. Because they turn the earth resources into energy and when they are done they convert it back usually.

If you could stop one source what would it be: 
It would be Nuclear because it causes pollution also kills humans and animals plus it can do weird things to people that they may not like.

What energy source would you promote:
It would definitely be Solar panels because it take the suns light and uses it to do other things that just so happens to make light to!

SP 2: Using models
This week in class we used models see different types of circuits like parallel and series.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Electricity 03/20/2016
Summary: This week in class we learned about electricity. Electricity is the flow of electrons through things called circuits the circuits are made of things called wires which are made up of 1 conductor and 1 insulator. A conductor is a material that electrons can flow through easily; a insulator is a material that electrons can't or is very hard to pass through electricity is stored in a battery and goes to a light bulb through the wires. Batteries have limited electricity because when it powers the light bulb it gets turned into heat and light. A not so FUN FACT if you connect a circuit of just batteries that is a short circuit and will explode because the electrons are going so fast.

SP2: Using models
We used models by building schematics of circuits then actually making the circuit.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Minerals 3/13
Summary: This week in class we learned about minerals. The mineral I learned about was Magnetite which is a very magnetic mineral. Some of its properties are metallic luster hardness is 5.5 and its color is black. Some things you can make with Magnetite are magnets and compasses. FUN FACT: Magnetite was used to make some of the first magnetic compasses.

SP: Analyzing and interpreting data
We analyzed our data by researching specific areas of our mineral like (luster density cleavage etc.) We interpreted our data by putting our research into a little magazine on and then we published it.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Rock Cycle 3/6
Summary: This week in class we learned about the rock cycle. The three main types of rocks are: Sedimentary, Metamorphic, and Igneous. Sedimentary rocks are formed by lot of pieces of you guessed it, sediment or smaller pieces of rock that have been broken down by weathering and erosion, weathering and erosion is when weathering breaks rocks down contentiously and erosion moves those pieces of sediment and sometimes they form igneous rock you know its igneous if it has small pieces of sea shells and other sediment in it. Metamorphic rocks are formed by extreme heat and pressure underground you know its metamorphic when they have ribbon like layers. Igneous is formed by magma and when it cools and hardens you know its metamorphic when it is glass like.

SP 4 Analyzing and Interpreting Data
How we analyzed data was we did a bunch of activities on the computer. How we interpreted data was we put all our research into a bunch of  work sheets.