http://www.circuitstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/electronic_siren-circuit.jpg |
Summary: This week in class we learned about electricity. Electricity is the flow of electrons through things called circuits the circuits are made of things called wires which are made up of 1 conductor and 1 insulator. A conductor is a material that electrons can flow through easily; a insulator is a material that electrons can't or is very hard to pass through electricity is stored in a battery and goes to a light bulb through the wires. Batteries have limited electricity because when it powers the light bulb it gets turned into heat and light. A not so FUN FACT if you connect a circuit of just batteries that is a short circuit and will explode because the electrons are going so fast.
SP2: Using models
We used models by building schematics of circuits then actually making the circuit.
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